Wednesday 13 November 2013

Assignment 1: Your Own Neighbourhood; More Images

I have been out and about again and have some more images to think about.  I wanted some more sunrise shots to consider, in particular one from the dunes where I have been photographing snow buntings (see my Mike's Natural Musings blog).  I envisaged the dune grasses in the foreground with the sun rising behind.  In the event, despite wading across the salt marsh in the predawn dark, it didn't happen.  Back to the drawing board for this one although I could do with it in the bag soon.  I also envisaged a shot from this location looking back towards Cleethorpes town in the early light.  I did get this but I would like a much more dramatic sky.  As I walked out over the marsh I noticed that the lights were still on in Cleethorpes and decided to take a shot.  As I focused I noticed that when the scene was slightly out of focus the lights recorded as a beautiful coloured globe.  I set the camera to manual and did this deliberately.

To view the images large, click on a thumbnail.

After leaving the beach I drove down to take some more shots of the pier.  I had wanted some to convert to black and white.  During post processing I enhanced the blue channel to bring out the clouds.  In the first shot I used a 10-20mm lens from a low angle to make it more dramatic.  I corrected the sloping verticals in Lightroom 5.

Wanting to try a few experimental shots for this assignment I decided to consider this one from a local high tide wader roost taken as I was beginning this module.  It is of a flock of godwits which are regular visitors to the Humber Estuary.  The light was poor so rather than use a high ISO to achieve a fast enough shutter speed to get a sharp image I went the other way.  I used a lower ISO and a slower shutter to produce motion blur provide an abstract image that conveys movement.

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